SPOILERS !!!SPOILERS!!!!!SPOILERS!!! THE TOTAL ZOOM THEORY THE THING IS THAT FIRST ........... JAY THEORY When ever zoom appears there is NO Jay Garrick in the scene..... And my theory also states that... when jay said velocity-6 was killing him.....now it's a mater of fact we find out that it's a lie....... I think it's because he was obsessed with speed...... he created velocity-6 and it created a split personality to him causing him to create a personality called ZOOM. that is why jay could never defeat zoom......because he was catching himself... Which makes it clear that JAY IS ZOOM..... But now the thing that's rattling your brain is ........ that How can zoom kill himself?? 2.ZOLOMON THEORY When Jay showed Dr. Snow his doppelganger it was the ZOOM And the present Jay Garrick Was Hunter Zolomon (that's why he didn't have speed and was molecularly injured by Z...