Captain America: Civil War Super Bowl Spot – 10 Things You Need To See

“United we stand. Divided we fall.”
 To watch it see down

Once again it’s that very special time of year when movie fans the world over feign a passing interest in American football, if only to enjoy the many TV spots gifted to us by Hollywood. Perhaps most anticipated – inevitably – is the second round of footage from Captain America: Civil War.
Considering how well regarded the original Civil War event is, Marvel have their work cut out for them in more ways than usual. Not only do they have to ensure this film is a logical, organic chapter in their ongoing Universe, but they have to satisfy fan expectations for what is arguably the most popular storyline they’ve attempted to adapt so far.
Luckily, from the look of things we look to be getting a pretty solid offering, if not the most accurate retelling. Civil War was never going to be an easy animal to tackle, considering half the character rights are owned by different studios.
It’s actually a comfort that Marvel have decided to go rogue and use the over-arching themes of the comic to tell a story that obviously fits in far better with their cinematic U, and the more they show us of Civil War, the more it looks like it’s going to be a great standalone film.
So what did the new footage bring, aside from an ominous chanty soundtrack?
 10. Bucky Barnes, The Human Phone Charger


It’s unclear exactly what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is going on here – it looks like Bucky is getting recharged like an iPhone, essentially – and it’s hard to place where in the film this scene might take place.
I’d wager it has something to do with Baron Zemo and his plot machinations, considering the dark and foreboding nature of the shot, and the fact that Bucky doesn’t look too happy with being rigged up like that.
 9. A Falcon In His Perch

You can count on this being a shot from whatever action set-piece opens the film – presumably when the Avengers spring into action against Crossbones.
Also expect this to be the moment Falcon makes the long awaited debut of his avian assistant, Redwing (which we know from leaked footage is not actually going to be a bird he can control telepathically… thank God).
8. Mystery Man

Couple of items of interest here, staring with the mysterious gloved hand of a mystery assailant attempting to apprehend Bucky.
We know from the first trailer that there’s a scene where Black Panther is chasing down the fugitive Winter Soldier, and considering that Buck is wearing the same outfit from that encounter, the gloved hand could very easily belong to Panther.
The other interesting element to this shot are the buckles on Bucky’s chest, implying some sort of backpack, maybe? Generally, action movie characters aren’t wearing backpacks out of stylistic choice, so there could well be some sort of MacGuffin propelling the story here.
7. Shock Horror
Clearly, something very bad has gone down in Puerto Rico (or wherever Puerto Rico is doubling for). Considering the shot that precedes this one is an explosion outside some sort of office building, it’s not hard to draw the conclusion that it’s part of the same sequence.
What’s intriguing is the fact that Scarlet Witch is dressed in civvies; so either she saw something shocking whilst doing her weekly food-shop, or the New Avengers were on a low-key undercover op.
 6.Evidence for Nano-mite Suit
The new Nano-Mite Suit Gives an Evidence for the technological advancement .
And its not made of screws and nuts but of Nano screws
Nano pitches for the screws.
It also looks like there is a small reactor in the "kinda watch",
it might provide a lot power for it......
That's what we see later in the Super Bowl.
And by the Nano-Mite Suit ,he can be safe any where his Nanomites are already inside his body(NOT IRON MAN 3) and the emerge from his body therefore faster than the previous versions.(GENIUS BILLIONARE PLAYBOY PHILATHROPIST).
5. Point Blank
You gotta love the look on Tony’s face here as he realizes just how close he came to death. It’s shocking that something has driven Bucky far enough to want to just roll right up to Stark and shoot him in the face.
Considering that we saw Bucky connected to an ominous-looking machine earlier in the TV spot, could it be that Baron Zemo has brainwashed him.
4. Just Like Old Times

Directors Joe and Antony Russo have a great eye for presenting characters in badass comic book-esque poses, that much is clear.
What’s less clear is where exactly this scene is taking place, but it could be the snowy surroundings of whatever mountain fortress they end up pummeling Iron Man in (as per the first trailer).
3. “You Chose The Wrong Side.”
Obviously, Iron Man doesn’t take too kindly to attempted assassination, and even less so to his friend and teammate betraying him on such a big issue.
We’re definitely not getting as much of a smug, carefree Stark this time around, as he’s clearly all business here. None of the characters are treating this situation lightly.
2. Team Cap

Speaking of sides, here’s the clearest look yet at Team Cap, including the return of Ant-Man – in an updated costume, no less.
It’s certainly a much sleeker design, with the helmet being a bit less bulky this time out. It looks pretty damn cool. Bringing the character into the wider MCU in this film is an inspired choice and fairly solid fortuitous timing (that Ant-Man would end and Civil War would be next on the docket).
Almost as if they made Civil War just as a pretense for bringing Paul Rudd back sooner – and that’s okay.
1. Team Iron Man

Team Iron Man looking like the more powerful squad, for sure. They’ve got more heavy hitters than Cap’s fairly street-level side, so they’ve got their work cut out for them when it comes to fisticuffs and we finally get the look of vision.
Also, if you haven’t seen any of the promotional artwork showing off the sides in the last few weeks, you’re discovering here that Panther and Vision definitely side with Stark (for reasons obviously heretofore unknown).
This is probably our best look yet at Iron Man’s Bleeding Edge(a.k.a Nano-Mite) armor, with all its blue lights, just like in the comics. It looks pretty damn good.

All around I can't wait for this movie which is releasing on my b'day.





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